{:ee}Lamineerimine ergutab oma naturaalseid ripsmeid{:}{:en}Lamination procedure allows you to maintain your natural eyelashes{:}
Ripsmete lamineerimise protseduur võimaldab säilitada oma naturaalsed ripsmed ergutades ning toites neid keratiiniga ja kollageeniga – mis on väga tähtsad komponendid juustele ning ripsmetele. Siit ka teine nimetus ripsmete lamineerimise protseduurile – Keratin lash lamination. www.lashotica.ee www.lashotica.ee www.lashotica.ee
Ripsmete lamineerimise tooted sisaldavad peale keratiini ka vitamiine, aminohappeid, D-pantenooli, mineraale, orgaanilisi aineid, spetsiaalseid hoolitsevaid aineid (humala ekstrakti, raudrohtu, aaloe vera ekstrakti, jojoba ja argaaniaõli jne), et soosida ripsmete kasvu ning suurendada nende paindlikkust. www.lashotica.ee www.lashotica.ee www.lashotica.ee
Ripsmete lamineerimise tooted tungivad sügavale ripsmekarva sisse, kõrvaldades struktuuri kahjustusi, samas aitavad käivitada ripsmete kasvu protsessi ning käesolevad tooted on vigastuste ennetamiseks. Ripsmekarva pinnale jääb pärast protseduuri õhuke kile, mis tagab karvades niiskuse, toiteainete säilimise, loomuliku sära ning kaitseb negatiivsete keskkonna tegurite eest (nagu näiteks külm, tuul, merevesi, kraanivesi, UV jne) . www.lashotica.ee
Lamineerimine tervendab ripsmeid ning ka suurendab neid, tagades teile glamuursema väljanägemise lopsakamate ripsmete näol. www.lashotica.ee
Mõned iluprotseduurid on vahel mitteametlikult nimetatud ka “liftinguks”, sest see protseduur tõstab ripsmeid juurtest, tehes “silmad lahti” välimuse, kuid tegemist ei ole automaatselt lamineerimisega. Ripsmete lamineerimine on terve protseduur, mitte mingi osa sellest. www.lashotica.ee www.lashotica.ee
Ripsmete lamineerimise protseduuri tehakse väga mitmes etapis ning kodus ei ole soovitav ise proovida sarnaseid protseduure vaid ikka pöörduda spetsialisti poole, kes on saanud selleks vastava kvalifikatsiooni ning on teadlik mida teeb. www.lashotica.ee www.lashotica.ee www.lashotica.ee
Ripsmete lamineerimine ei tee naisi mitte ainult ilmekamaks vaid ka pilgu sügavamaks ning atraktiivsemaks. Ripsmete lamineerimisega saate endale pikemad, kaunilt kaardus, ning hästi hooldatud ripsmed samas neid kahjustamata. Tänu lamineerimise tehnoloogiale ei pea naised enam igapäevaselt lisama kosmeetika ning teie ripsmed näevad välja justkui oleksite neid koolutanud ning värvinud ripsmetuššiga. www.lashotica.ee www.lashotica.ee

Märkus: Kui te kopeerite teavet minu lehelt, siis palun viidata, et originaaltekst on võetud lehelt www.lashotica.ee. Vastasel juhul on tegemist plagiaadiga, mis on eetiline rikkumine ning loomevargus. Aitäh!
Eyelash lamination procedure allows you to maintain your natural eyelashes by stimulating and nourishing them with keratin and collagen – which are very important components for the www.lashotica.ee www.lashotica.ee hair and the eyelashes. Hence another name for eyelashes lamination procedure – Keratin Lash lamination. www.lashotica.ee www.lashotica.ee
Eyelash lamination products contain, besides the keratin also vitamins, amino acids, D-panthenol, minerals, organic materials, special caring substances (hop extract, iron, grass, aloe vera extract, jojoba and argan oil, etc.) to encourage eyelash growth, and increase their flexibility. www.lashotica.ee
Eyelash lamination products penetrate deep into the eyelash to eliminate the structural damage, at the same time will launch eyelash growth process and to prevent injuries. Leaves on the eyelash surface a thin film after the procedure, which ensures the moisture in the hair, nutrient preservation, natural shine and protects against negative environmental factors (such as cold, wind, sea water, tap water, UV, etc.). www.lashotica.ee www.lashotica.ee
Laminating heals lashes and also enhances them, ensuring you look glamorous by fuller eyelashes. www.lashotica.ee www.lashotica.ee
Some beauty treatments are sometimes informally referred to as “lifting” because this procedure increases the roots of the lashes, making “open your eyes” appearance, but this can not automatic ally been called lamination. Eyelash lamination is the whole procedure, not some part of it. www.lashotica.ee
Eyelash lamination procedure is done by several stages and it is not advisable to try lamination nor some similar procedures at home on yourself. You can end up by a small few-minutes-mistake with extremely ugly lashes! Always go to specialist, who has obtained the relevant qualifications and is fully aware of what she does. www.lashotica.ee www.lashotica.ee www.lashotica.ee
Eyelash lamination does not only make women more vivid but also makes her glimpse look deeper and much more attractive. Thanks to eyelash lamination you get longer, beautifully curved, well cared eyelashes and at the same time undamaging them. Thanks to the lamination technology, women do not need to add daily cosmetics and your eyelashes will look as if you had them curved and dyed with mascara. www.lashotica.ee www.lashotica.ee
NOTE: If you copy this information to your own public resource, please also mention that original text’s taken from www.lashotica.ee. Thank you!
- Raili Nordmann